Näytä tavallinen näkymä : Mavic Ksyrium Elite Warranty claim

31.10.2014, 16.58
On 12th February 2013 I bought from Westbrook Cycles of Stokesley, England, a Cannondale Supersix bike and to upgrade it I bought at the same time, a set of Mavic Ksyrium Elite S wheels. Westbrook Cycles are a Mavic Premium shop.The wheels performed without fault until the beginning of September 2014 when I noticed there are a number of small cracks on the rim of the rear wheel where the spokes join the rim. I emailed Westbrook Cycles to ask their advice on what to do and they told me that the warranty period is 2 years and that any local authorised Mavic dealer should be to assist me with a warranty claim.

As I live in Vantaa, and as Mavic are owned by Amer Sports, I went in the first instance to the Amer Sports Brand shop in Alexis Kiven Katu. The helpful assistant there told me that as they do not deal with Mavic wheels at that outlet I should go to their Finnish distributor, Tunturi-Hellberg in Riihimiehentie. He phoned them for me to check that was the correct thing to do and he was told yes.

I then went to Tunturi-Hellberg and was told quite firmly by one person that as the wheels were not bought through them, they could not process anything for me, so much for the Mavic warranty that says any Mavic dealer or distributor in the world will handle warranty claims! I then contacted Amer Sports again and they said they would take the matter up with Tunuturi-Hellberg, a couple of days later I was told that they couldn't get any reply so they would contact Mavic instead. The next day I got an email from Amer Sports with a copy of their email to Mavic. That was 5 weeks ago and since then - silence - despite a number of emails from me to Amer Sports asking if they had any news from Mavic, positive or negative.

I have read on the net in a number of different places that this problem of Mavic Ksyrium Elite developing splits is not uncommon, and, unfortunately, that Mavic's customer care sucks. (But probably for every reported negative comment, there are loads of unreported satisfied customers?).

Anyone out there had similar problems with Mavic and managed to get them resolved? Any pääkaupinki area Mavic dealer reading this want to take it up and earn my undying loyalty in the future?

By the way, Westbrook Cycles have said that if I can't get it resolved in Finland, send the wheel back to them and they will take up the warranty claim for me. I haven't done this yet, I feel that as Mavic are owned by a Finnish company, there must be a way of getting it sorted here without the hassle of sending the wheel back to the UK. Maybe I am wrong.

04.11.2014, 17.20
So you say hellberg should take care of ALL warranty stuff bought online? haha... yeah right.. this is the negative side of buying goods online - it was your decision. Just ship the wheel back to Westbrook.

04.11.2014, 21.52
Kyllähän sen pitäisi jos on "virallinen maahantuoja" ja EU-alueelta hankittu. Lisäksi taitaa olla Mavicin lupaus myös, että huolto pelaa kaikilla edustajilla. Pitäisikö pyöräreissuilla olijoidenkin palata kotiin jos tulee Mavicciin vikaa... No, eipä ole eka kerta kun paikalliset edustajat luikertelee vastuusta.

Pikaisesti löytyi esim:
"Jos EU-alueelta ostetun tuotteen takuukorjaus ei hoidu maahantuojan kautta, kuluttaja voi tehdä valituksen tuotteen valmistajalle. Jos tuotteella on valmistajan takuu, valmistajan on huolehdittava siitä, että sen EU:n yhdessä jäsenvaltioissa myöntämä takuu on voimassa myös muissa jäsenvaltioissa."

15.12.2014, 22.28
Velosport came to the rescue, sending me a message via Fillarifoorumi to take the wheel to them and they would handle the warranty claim, I did that at the beginning of November
and today picked a replacement wheel. Full marks and many thanks to Velosport, you have "earned my undying loyalty in the future"!

16.12.2014, 00.07
So you say hellberg should take care of ALL warranty stuff bought online? haha... yeah right.. this is the negative side of buying goods online - it was your decision. Just ship the wheel back to Westbrook.

Great advice, keep up the good posts!

16.12.2014, 09.53
Maximum props for Velosport, well done. What comes to contacting Amer and especially the brand store, this is for sure not the right place as the products are sold through a network of "importer" (T-H) and the retailers..
I've had some issues with Crossmax adapters and what comes to Tunturi-Hellberg, the support was pretty close to a disaster even though Bikeplanet (for this issue) was doing their best.

There's for sure many opinions about the products themselves and it's a known fact that the customer service at M is not the best in the planet but I'm really wondering what's the role/responsibility of the so called importer if they refuse to handle this kind of stuff? Well, it's great that VS has stepped up for this, this is how you create long term customer relationships..

19.12.2014, 11.20
Well from warranty point of view, even if the product is bought online or from another country, if the warranty is european, then the dealer shouldnt have any problems dealing with it.
ie think about used cars bought outside Finland. All warranty stuff are done by local dealers, no talks about sending it where you bought it.
Sheit service from Tunturi-Hellberg from my point of view.
These cases are "necessary evil" if you're an official dealer..

19.12.2014, 20.53
are they official dealer of mavic in Finland? i don't know.. anyone?

20.12.2014, 07.27
First post:
"As I live in Vantaa, and as Mavic are owned by Amer Sports, I went in the first instance to the Amer Sports Brand shop in Alexis Kiven Katu. The helpful assistant there told me that as they do not deal with Mavic wheels at that outlet I should go to their Finnish distributor, Tunturi-Hellberg in Riihimiehentie."

05.01.2015, 16.30
To be fair to Amer Sports, their new brand store wasn't the right place for me to go, they tried to be helpful but really didn't know how to handle my problem. Since Velosport resolved things for me, I let Amer Sports know what the outcome was and I think in future they will have a better idea how to help in situations like mine.

05.01.2015, 16.35
are they official dealer of mavic in Finland? i don't know.. anyone?

Velosport told me they are not official Mavic dealers, but they would help in any case. Tunturi-Hellberg are listed as the official Mavic distributor for Finland.

05.01.2015, 18.19
Taitaa tuo Mavic toimia aika itsenäisesti Amer yhtymässä.

01.10.2015, 14.13
I have the same issue and Velosport sent me packing. Apparently Hellberg has stopped importing Mavic and there is no support currently for Mavic in Finland.

update: took the wheel to Amer Brand Store in Vallila and they sent the wheel to France for rebuild